This has been bugging me for at least the last year or so, and someone posted on that there were two caps that needed to be replaced, and it will work like a champ. So, being an electrical engineer that does this quite frequently (work on PCBs), I didn't hesitate to give it a try, because I had opened the damn thing up a few times before to try and figure it out. Anyways, it worked like a champ. Only took me about 20 minutes to get it apart, replace the caps, and button it back together again. Getting it back together wasn't too bad because all of the cables that I had to disconnect were all keyed, so no confusion getting all of the polarities correct...
Anyways, here's a pic of the offending board, and the fix that I made. Just wondering if there's any recourse w/ Philips. This is obviously a design issue, and being in the business, I'm curious if they just mis-specified the voltage on the capacitors (need +35V instead of +25V), or what.
- 2x 35V / 470uF radial-lead capacitors (part 272-1030 from Radio Shack)
- soldering iron
- solder wick (for removing the solder so that you can remove the parts)
- solder
- phillips screwdriver (cordless drill works best, since there are so many)
Also, note the polarity of the capacitors. I used the symbols on the silkscreen (backside of the PCB), and went from there.